James Arness Statue Unveiing, Dodge City, Kansas

Ben Bates, Jim’s stunt double, passed away Wednesday, October 4th. Not only did Ben and Jim work together but they were very close friends. From Gunsmoke to How the West Was Won, McLain’s Law and all the Gunsmoke remakes Ben was there for Jim and visa-versa. Through the years we got to know Ben’s children, Brandon and Bliss, and Ben became very close to my son Jim. Starting at the age of 9 when Ben wasn’t working he would take my son fishing and teaching him how to rope and have a great time. Ben was a role model during those years and my son is now in his 50’s and he remembers all the wonderful times they spent together. My husband was so fond of Ben that at the end of Gunsmoke he gave Ben his gun in appreciation for all his hard work and friendship.
This summer Ben and Valerie were with my family in Dodge City for the unveiling of Jim’s statue. On the Trail of Fame is a medallion for my husband with his handprints. Well, Valerie set up a big surprise for Ben and had a medallion for him placed next to Jim’s. Ben had no idea he was going to be honored and it really meant so much. Thank you, Valerie, Ben truly deserved this recognition.
I just know that Jim and Ben are together again swapping stories and tell jokes.
Bless you Ben, my family and I will truly miss you and we thank you for taking such care of my husband through all years.
Janet Arness

Ready for the unveiling

Statue being unveiled by Jimmy Surtees and Ben Bates
(Ben was James Arness stunt double)

Buck Taylor talks about his friend, Jim Arness

Janet Arness talking about Jim

Buck Taylor, Janet Arness, Tony Cipriano (the artist) and Ben Bates

Janet and her son Jimmy Surtees

Janet Arness holding Jim’s hand

Buck, Janet and Ben honoring James Arness

The Best Gunsmoke Gang

Janet with the flowers from the banquet honoring Jim

As Janet said “Tony caught
his expression perfectly!”

Tony Cipriano (the artist)

Ben Bates’ loving family

The famous Jan Pritchard

Our dear friend Kathy Mings

Ben and Valerie

Janet and Ginny


Janet telling Ben that he was being awarded a Medallion
on the Trail of Fame right next to Jim’s.
It was a total surprise for Ben

A Thank You hug!

Ben and Valerie

Janet matching her hands to Jim’s on his Medallion

Ben Bates Medallion

Janet at the banquet honoring her husband Jim

A place of honor saved for James Arness at the banquet

The guests of honor, Valerie, Ben, Janet,
Tony, Buck and Jimmy

Fans who attended the banquet and the unveiling

Fans who attended the banquet and the unveiling

Fans who attended the banquet and the unveiling

Fans who attended the banquet and the unveiling

Fans and family who attended the banquet
and the unveiling

Fans who attended the banquet and the unveiling

Fans who attended the banquet and the unveiling

Gunsmoke 60th Anniversary Black Mug

Gunsmoke 60th Anniversary Black Mug

Jimmy Surtees with his children and Janet


Gunsmoke 60th Anniversary Black Mug

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